Alcoholic drinks don't seem to be regulated in any way in China, you can buy them from supermarkets, convenience stores, restaurants, the side of the road, you name it.
When I go to a store, I can't help but look at all of the bottles, cans and boxes with their mandarin characters and wish to know what lies within.
Most importantly, like many things compared with the west, they are cheap. If your an oriental tippler on a budget, it is possible to get 500mls of spirits, or a six pack of beer for around 10 RMB (less than $2 Australian). Of course quality can range with price (as I have found out) and hence it seems highly feasible for me then, to taste a random selection of these beverages and report on my findings. (Note, the word random is used in the sense of whatever-takes-my-fancy)
In the name of science of course... or... for the public good... or the fact that I would probably be trying them anyway.
First on the review is a cheeky little number I picked up in the first few days in Shanghai.

I will call this plum spirit as I have no idea what it says on the label, however it did have a distinct plum taste to it.
I purchased this from a convenience store across the road from the foreign students dormitory at Fudan University (where we stayed after arriving in the country.) It cost me the princely sum of 3 RMB, or 50c AUS. (note: I should be using the Yuan symbol, however at this stage I don't know how to insert it) It weighed in at 52% and 120mls, contained in an attractive ceramic bottle.
I tasted it on the way home, and was impressed. It tasted like a rice wine spirit, with a pleasant plum flavour to it. I finished the rest that evening and enjoyed it thoroughly. I particularly liked the packaging, the ceramic bottle and red cloth tie were much more exciting than a glass bottle would have been. The only downside was the hangover the next day, now this may have been from other beverages consumed that evening, however I suspect that the plum spirit may have played its part. Even if the hangover was solely its due, the plum spirit still comes two thumbs up for flavour and presentation.
In the true 'spirit' of Veritas eh? ;)
Ha ha... Indeed.
What a pioneer that man was.
It sounds infinitely less mysterious and legally liable than the foul tasting, liver destroying, acrid green coloured Jagerbomb which after consuming multiple times on Saturday decidely does not deserve review- in any country.
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